Category Archives: Daniel 11

Daniel 11 in 28 Minutes

Don Frost

A week ago I gave a presentation called At That Time. When I was preparing for that presentation, I came across a quote I have never seen before. And that quote really rocked me. We are going to talk about that one quote. We are going to narrow in on that one quote. And then we are going to talk about how to make this happen. 

Daniel is today standing in his lot. ACUR March 11 1907.10

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The Significance of Daniel 11

By Christine Guarda

Daniel 11:45 to Daniel 12:1 is the final landmark that we have been waiting for… this is the sign for the world that probation is about to close. If these events are being exactly fulfilled as we have been told they would be, that means we are to be preparing now and getting sin out of our lives with His help and getting things right with the Lord, so that when He gets to our name in the judgment, we may be sealed.

Who is the king of the north? Why is it so important to understand Daniel 11 and who the king of the north is? In Manuscript Releases Volume 9, we are counselled to read Daniel 11 and know the texts thoroughly:

I am drawn out to address you. I am in great travail of soul for our people. We are living amid the perils of the last days. A superficial faith results in a superficial experience. There is a repentance that needs to be repented of. All genuine experience in religious doctrines will bear the impress of Jehovah. All should see the necessity of understanding the truth for themselves individually. We must each understand the doctrines that have been studied out carefully and prayerfully. It has been revealed to me that there is among our people a great lack of knowledge in regard to the rise and progress of the third angel’s message. There is great need to search the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, and learn the texts thoroughly, that we may know what is written. 9MR 358.3

Why is it so important? In Daniel 11, we see historically what happens in prophecy. But the most important question people have is, who is the King of the North and how can we know the answer when there have been so many discussions, symposiums, and differences of opinion? How can we be certain and why is Daniel 11 so significant in these last days?

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Daniel 11 Confusion

By Don Frost

At Andrews university campus there’s a library called the James white library and in the basement of the library is the Adventist research centre.

When you walk into the Adventist research centre you’re greeted by some old artifacts from a bygone era of Adventism. There is material from a man called William Ward Simpson who was the one that Ellen White said God was with him and that he used extraordinary methods to reach the people:

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The Eastern Question – A Prophecy Revitalised 

By Ken LeBrun, mp3

A hundred years ago the Eastern Question was one of the most talked about prophecies in the Bible among Seventh-day Adventists. Then it went into a period of decline where you didn’t hear much about it at all for decades. And now it is coming back into interest once again. In the following quotation, Ellen White was reporting on a camp meeting that was being conducted: Continue reading

The Princes of the North

By Gene Brown (used with permission)

Each Gospel is a supplement to the others, every prophecy an explanation of another, every truth a development of some other truth. Education, page 123 

How shall we search the Scriptures? Shall we drive our stakes of doctrine one after another, and then try to make all Scripture meet our established opinions, or shall we take our ideas and views to the Scriptures, and measure our theories on every side by the Scriptures of truth? {RH, July 26, 1892 par. 3} Continue reading

The Caliphate is Coming – The King of the North

The following is from a Turkish editor, of a paper called the Vakit:

“We shall do our utmost to keep England’s support; but at last, if we do not succeed in it, then it is very easy to know what we have to do. When Europe will not look at us, then we shall lay aside all the European customs which we have adopted, and enter our own old way; form the boy of thirteen to the old man of seventy-five, everyone one of us will be armed, and we shall defend by the will of God, and by the daring of the old days, the country we have held for five hundred years.  And if the issue should come to this, as Islamism is not confined to Turkey, then we will blend all the different Moslem races into one ; the Moslems of India, of Central Asia, of the Caucasus, of Africa, and of Algeria will come forward, and we shall again take measures which we once adopted for the conquest of Jerusalem. We shall send proclamations everywhere, and declare a general war against Christendom…. Then it will not be possible to subjugate 120,000,000 Moslems by 90,000,000 solders. If the Moslems all over the world rise to defend their sacred religion, and if the treasure accumulated every year at Mecca is disposed of for the protection of the Mohammedan faith, then the scenes of ancient European wars, where the Moslems were both victorious and destructive, will be repeated, and the progress and civilization of centuries will be destroyed.”

It is our opinion that any power that reigns over Syria is – for the time being – “the king of the north,” spoken of [in] Daniel XI; hence that the Turkish Dynasty is now [1854] that power. If Russia, Austria, England, or France should become possessed of supreme power over Syria, then it – which ever it might be – would become “the king of the north.” Till then none but the Turkish Dynasty occupies that position, in our opinion. James White, Review and Herald, Dec. 12, 1854

If Daniel 11:40-45 is literal, then the power represented here cannot be the papacy as most suppose. Therefore, it must be another power that comes into play just before probation closes. We all know the papacy is behind all the evil that is being perpetrated, so it has to be behind this power and instigating its movements, although Islam has gotten out of control and the papacy is trying very hard to regain that control. Continue reading