Is there to be another coming out of the SDA church?

“I told her [mrs. Lida scott] how mother regarded the experience of the remnant church, and of her positive teaching that god would not permit this denomination to so fully apostatize that there would be the coming out of another church.–W. C. White to E. E. Andross, May 23, 1915, White Estate Correspondence File.  LDE 56

A few pages later:

“The work is soon to close. The members of the church militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant.–Ev 707 (1892).  {LDE 62.1} 

The life of Christ was a life charged with a divine message of the love of God, and He longed intensely to impart this love to others in rich measure. Compassion beamed from His countenance, and His conduct was characterized by grace, humility, truth, and love. Every member of His church militant must manifest the same qualities, if he would join the church triumphant.–FE 179 (1891)  {LDE 62

Sister White believed that there would be another church – the church triumphant.

In Christ’s day, the Jewish nation (God’s church) had so fully apostatised, Christ had to bypass the leadership and get the common fishermen to pick up the truth and run with it. He spent three and a half years calling for revival and reformation in the church, and gathering the disciples and getting them ready,- but the leadership rejected Jesus and turned on his followers.

But the “New” church, the Christian church, was not formed until after His resurrection  the “new church” was organised with those of the “old church” that had proven faithful!  she says that we are repeating that history:

when that “new” church had so fully apostatised that God could no longer use it, God raised up men, members of that “old” church – who called for revival and reformation in the church (Luther, Knox, Huss, Jerome, etc.) But the apostate leaders rejected truth and the Reformers finally were forced out and began the Protestant churches.

Then in the 1840’s, when the Protestant churches had so apostatized – there arose men calling for revival and reformation in the Protestant churches (Millerites/Adventists), who were forced out of their churches by apostate leaders and eventually formed the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

what does Sister White say about this?

“The work of God in the earth presents, from age to age, a striking similarity in every great reformation or religious movement. The principles of God’s dealing with men are ever the same. The important movements of the present have their parallel in those of the past, and the experience of the church in former ages has lessons of great value for our own time.”  GC 343

“Again and again I have been shown that the past experiences of God’s people are not to be counted as dead facts. We are not to treat the record of these experiences as we would treat a last year’s almanac. The record is to be kept in mind, for history will repeat itself. PM 175

  4T 165:  “In these days he (God) has instituted no new plan to preserve the purity of his people.”

     Did Sister White foresee the necessity of another coming out of God’s people from the church?

     Manuscript 30, June, 1889 (MR #895, p 2-5):  for I dare not rely upon the wisdom of my brethren.  I see they do not always take God for their counselor, but look in a larger degree to the men that have set before them in the place of God…

     “I was confirmed in all I had stated in Minneapolis, that a reformation must go through the churches.  Reforms must be made, for spiritual weakness and blindness were upon the people who had been blessed with great light and precious opportunities and privileges.  As reformers they had come out of the denominational churches, but they now act a part similar to that which the churches acted.  WE HOPED THAT THERE WOULD NOT BE THE NECESSITY FOR ANOTHER COMING OUT….

     “Many are ignorant of the deception which palms off falsehood for truth….we will not keep silent.  The church must be roused. 

Sister White did foresee the necessity for another coming out of God’s people from the church, if the leadership continue on to manifest the same evil spirit as they did at Minneapolis. 

     God’s people today are the ones who do the work of separating the wheat from the tares by conforming their lives to Christ and His truths and by raising their warning voices and proclaiming the testing truth.

2RH 48, col 2:  “Christ was a protestant.  He protested against the formal worship of the Jewish nation, who rejected the counsel of God against themselves.  He told them that they taught for doctrines the commandments of men, and that they were pretenders and hypocrites.  Like whited sepulchers they were beautiful without, but within were full of impurity and corruption.  The reformers date back to Christ and the apostles.  They came out and separated themselves from a religion of forms and ceremonies.  Luther and his followers did not invent the reformed religion.  They simply accepted it as presented by Christ and the apostles.”

     In DA 232 she states that “Jesus departed from Jerusalem, from the priests, the temple, the religious leaders, the people who had been instructed in the law, and turned to another class to proclaim His message.”  She even continues to say that Jesus gathered out as many as He could, so they could learn His truths and then carry them to others.  (If you want other testimonies where she says Christ separated from His church read AA 16, TM 35, DA 626, 3SOP 81, 3RH 631, col 1).

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